“A DOGFATHER SEMINAR, should I bother..? My dogs are perfect… aren’t they? Hmm, well he does pull a bit, but that’s okay, she REALLY pulls bless her, but she’s only young, just excited. Might bark a bit… well a lot, but all dogs do that. Don’t they?? I think maybe we should pop along.
“So glad we did, what a great evening. A man that clearly knows what he’s talking about, eloquent, easy to listen to, all in all an evening of common sense, which leaves you thinking, “Huh, of course! , that explains a lot.”. The Loopy Tropez game was inspired. and very cleverly showed the point that was being made. (I’m not going into detail, it needs to be seen!)
“I thoroughly recommend it, and would go so far as to say, even if you have the best behaved dogs in the world, it’s still worth popping along, it will give you an insight as to what other dog owners are dealing with. So… Notes taken! Dogs warned!! Ready for action. Eyes peeled for more seminars, Thank you Graeme!”
Graeme says: Thank you Sue. I’m so glad you enjoyed the evening. Me too! I LOVE that photo showing Fleadle studying hard. It makes me laugh every time I see it! . More seminars coming soon!