September 7, 2016

This review is long over due…. but i feel now is perfect timing! Graeme came to us in April, after a couple of disastrous walks, looking back it had been gradually getting worse! I think we partly knew what we were doing was wrong, but didn’t have the solutions. 

Burt being a Rottweiler means we have a lot of judgement when out and about, and we wanted someone who could really understand the breed and wouldn’t be scared to work with him! 

Graeme helped us first with our anxieties and then took Burt out for a walk, immediately Burt was acting perfectly. Of course we thought it was his magic touch and it would be impossible to keep it up. 

However, this evening I have taken Burt out on my own (one really bad walk meant i lost all confidence in my ability with him, and worried about his strength!) and he was great, it was stress free. We met lots of people and dogs, and we had no major issues. He is still testing his boundaries, but I was very much in charge, and with continuous work we will be perfect! 

We cannot thank you enough, he is still the same dog, but we are much better owners! I just wish we had met you from the start! 

(I have also emailed since with further issues, that we either forgot to mention or are new, and have always received a rapid and more than helpful response! It’s really reassuring knowing that we have help just a phone call away!)

Thanks again!