Here's an email received on the same day as a consultation, reproduced with permission. Susan chose Dogfather One to One dog training for her friendly and exuberant Rottweiler:
"When we arrived home a neighbour was passing by and stopped to chat – She went to lurch and jump up – just once. Same technique as you showed today, then she sat quietly while we chatted, like this afternoon. So thanks, I can already see a difference and we will keep practising" 23rd Feb 2012
And on 1st March 2012, Susan sent an email entitled "One Week On" :
"This week has been quite a turning point when only a couple of weeks ago I was beginning to think I hadn't got what it takes to own a Rottweiler and that I was failing with her – and not her fault! But we have made great strides this week and I feel back in charge in a positive and calm way that has definitely had a good effect on her.
"I think what you say about understanding the dog's psychology is so right, and following our session I now have renewed confidence that I know what is best for my dog – hence stopping the things that we are not enjoying together and being much clearer with her about what she should or shouldn't do.
"In just one week she has virtually stopped barking when in the car, much reduced barking in the house and garden, stopped scratching at the door for instant attention to go out into the garden and just waits quietly by the door to be let out, and was even calmer this week at the class we go to. We both enjoy this class because the exercises involve her in having to think about what she has to do, and Rotties do like to be brain busy, don't they? I have found a lead I find comfortable and we are now progressing well with the walking technique. I am feeling back in control and back to enjoying being her owner, and she appears much calmer and happier, and is definitely more responsive"
Graeme says: What's not to like here, eh? I'm so pleased it's going this well. The last sentence says it all. Keep up the good work Susan. Remember you'll have good days and not-so-good days but you're on the right path now! Updated 2nd March 2012